 QUANTIFERON Monthly Calls sessions implementation

QUANTIFERON Monthly Calls sessions implementation

The path of success of our activity is made alongside our partners. In this sense, constant communication with our suppliers is indispensable for the solid growth of their solutions in our national market.

The creation of QUANTIFERON Monthly Calls by our partner Qiagen is therefore of the utmost importance. Quantiferon products represent a large part of Qiagen's business and are an essential tool for the fight against Tuberculosis in our country.

The establishment of this online meeting ensures access to scientific and laboratory developments and establishes the first discussion platform regarding the results and doubts of this diagnostic test.

Monthly, QUANTIFERON Calls are addressed to the worldwide representatives of this brand, allowing uniform procedures and protocols as well as learning about new business opportunities.

Using this new regular and creative feature will maximize the technical knowledge of this solution, which in turn will enable a unique and dedicated approach to our customers. We believe that through competence we will make a difference in business development in the diagnostics market.